Post by Sean CrossI am trying to compile the Boehm garbage collector library with RDS
2007. (see and
Unfortunately I can't get the provided make file to work (possibly coz I
know very little about c++). Has anybody tried it?
Open BCC_MAKEFILE in text editor
Locate this line:
bc= c:\Borland\BCC55
Change the path to wherever your cppbuilder is installed. If that path
contains spaces in it ( Program files\something etc.) it must be
converted to short DOS style path.
Locate these two:
gcinclude1 = $(bc)\gc6.2\include
gcinclude2 = $(bc)\gc6.2\cord
And change them to this:
gcinclude1 = .\include
gcinclude2 = .\cord
Locate line that starts with define= and make it look like this:
Locate line that starts with cflags= and make sure it looks like this:
cflags= -O2 -R -v- -vi -H -H=gc.csm \
-I$(bcinclude);$(gcinclude1);$(gcinclude2) -L$(bclib) \
-w-pro -w-aus -w-par -w-ccc -w-rch -a8
Save the file and rename it to ne called Makefile.
Open command prompt and execute Make. As a result you will get gc.lib
and couple of test executables.